There are several whole house energy monitors on the market. The two that I like are the TED 5000 from Energy Inc. and the ENVI CurrentCost from PowerSave Inc.. TED is short for "The Energy Detective" and it is the industry leader. They both work using clip on current transformers (CTs) that are connected at and in the main electric panel. The ENVI is battery powered and by far the simplest to install. The TED 5000 is connected to your home computer network via its own gateway server and offers the most sophistication. It isn't possible here in this blog to highlight all the features but we have installed and used both monitors so we will attempt to highlight some of what we like about each.
TED 5000
TED Featured on Ignite OTC by David Glover.
Current Cost ENVI Energy Monitor
Google PowerMeter
Most energy monitors report to Google PowerMeter. Google PowerMeter is a free energy monitoring tool that allows you to view your home's energy consumption from anywhere online. Google collects the data from these devices and not only displays the data for you but they will also email you a weekly update on how you used your energy.